School Updates

Maths Week 2024

Maths week this year was a huge success! Each class had the opportunity to collaborate with another class in the school and work on a fun maths project together. 

We held a Maths Fair on Friday to show off all our learning during the week. This included a multiplication station, tessallation puzzles, place value towers, shape art, marshmallow and spaghetti 3D shapes and more!

Each class went into the hall armed with the whiteboards to solve an array of puzzles taped to the walls!

We enjoyed a walk in the National Botanic Gardens as we counted plants and searched for maths in nature. 

These girls researched how many centimetres frogs, kangaroos and other animals could jump and then measured their classmates' jumps in comparison. 

A good mathematician is able to explain their work. The Maths Fair gave the children this chance and it was lovely to see how they were able to show their learning of different maths concepts to others. 

Tracing 2D shapes and building cup towers were just 2 of the many projects completed this week. We hope to continue to see our students using their amazing maths brains and building on this love of maths!

Football kit Sponsorship

Looking good in our new jerseys! Thanks to Sherry Fitz. In the photo with our pupils we have Sandra D'Arcy, Branch Director of Sherry Fitzgerald, Drumcondra and Martin Doyle. 

Bottle returns

Delighted and proud of this 2nd class student who has started an initiative in school to collect recyclable bottles as a fundraiser.

He is going to make the trip to Tesco weekly in order to cash in the bottles we are collecting as a school!

General School Updates

Bake Sale 

What an impressive bake sale hosted by 5th and 6th class on the 3rd of May! They really outdid themselves and all the classes enjoyed buying handmade cookies, brownies and a variety of other treats. They donated their earnings to the Irish Motor Neuron Disease association. We're proud of this choice and all the hard work they put in!


Seachtain na Gaeilge

We celebrated Seachtain na Gaeilge on the 4th - 8th March. The children completing in a number of activities throughout the week. We loved hearing the children speaking more Gaeilge throughout the week - Is fearr Gaeilge bhriste ná Béarla cliste (Broken Irish is better than clever English).  

Na Fianna coaching

We are delighted to have Mark from Na Fianna coaching all our classes from JI to 6th once a week. This week we have started hurling!

Christmas Jumper Day

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Christmas Jumper Day and donated to the Children's Health Foundation.

Christmas Jumper Day certificate.docx

Elf on the Shelf

Buddy the elf came to visit Junior and Senior Infants during the month of December. The children had a blast and thoroughly enjoyed seeing what Buddy was doing daily. Have a look for yourselves! 


New books for our school 

We bought new books for our class libraries using the money raised from the scholastic book fair and donations from parents. The student council chose the books to buy for the classrooms. Thank you to the student council and to the parents who donated/bought books in the fair! As you can see, we are delighted to have some new books in our class libraries. 

Lindsay Road Bake Off in 5th/6th Class

As part of our 'fun' Advent Calendar in 5th and 6th class, the children competed in a Bake Off. The children complete various activities daily as a count down to the Christmas break. Have a look at some of their tasty bakes. Well done everyone! 

An Advent Posada Journey

Ms. Kelly was involved in creating an Advent pack for primary schools based on the Posada tradition. This pack has been made available to schools linked with CIC DCU. Ms. Kelly illustrated the incredible art work for this resource. As a school, we are incredibly proud of her work. Jacqui Wilkinson, lecturer in CIC DCU, creator of the Follow Me religious education programme and creator of the content within this Posada resource pack, came to the school to present the finalised pack to Ms. Kelly.